Below is the contents of the Knowsley Adult Social Care APPP Portal. It is divided into different sections; each with a number of specific chapters. The different sections can be accessed by clicking on the arrow next to ‘Contents’ on the left of the screen. By clicking on the word ‘Contents’, all of the sections and chapters will be displayed.

Each title is either a link to information on the Knowsley intranet, on the Knowsley Council website, to a page on an external website or an APPP Portal chapter (which has a red band at the top).

Adult Social Care – Operational Guidance – All Documents (

Advocacy Services

Audit Cycle

Case Recording Standards and Information Sharing – All Documents (

Deprivation of Liberty Forms (DHSC)

Direct Payments

Disability Related Expenditure

Interpreter, Translation and Transcription Process

KMBC Ordinary Residence Policy (

Lone Working

NHS Merseycare Mental Health Triage Cars

North West Regional Policy and Guidance for Transporting Mental Health Patients

Secure Transfer of Personal Information Protocol

Social Work Quality Assurance Practice Standards Benchmarking Toolkit

Staff Induction

Travel Support Policy

Care and Support Statutory Guidance (Department of Health and Social Care). Individual chapters, taken from the Guidance, are provided below.

Care Act 2014

Adult Safeguarding


Care and Support Planning

Charging and Financial Assessment

Continuity of Care

Cross-Border Placements

Deferred Payment Agreements

Delegation of Local Authority Functions

Direct Payments Policy (Knowsley MBC)


Financial Information and Advice

Independent Advocacy

Information and Advice

Integration, Cooperation and Partnerships

Managing Provider Failure and Other Service Interruptions

Market Shaping and Commissioning of Adult Care and Support

Ordinary Residence

Personal Budgets

Preventing, Reducing or Delaying Needs

Prisons, Approved Premises and Bail Accommodation

Promoting Wellbeing

Protecting Property of Adults being Cared for away from Home, including Pets

Registers of Sight Impaired Adults and Disabled Adults

Review of Care and Support Plans

Safeguarding Adults Board and Safeguarding Responsibilities

Safeguarding Procedures for Responding in Individual Cases


Transition to Adult Care and Support

Key Principles in Adult Social Care


Annex A: Choice of Accommodation and Additional Payments

Annex B: Treatment of Capital

Annex C: Treatment of Income

Annex D: Recovery of Debts

Annex E: Deprivation of Assets

Annex F: Temporary and Short-Term Residents in Care Homes

Annex G: The Process for Managing Transfers of Care from Hospital for Patients with Care and Support Needs

Annex H: Ordinary Residence

Annex I: Repeals and Revocations

Knowsley Adult Social Care Market Position Statement 

Knowsley Adult Social Care Transformation Plan

Knowsley All Age Carers Strategy

Knowsley Children and Young People’s Plan

Knowsley Care Experienced People Strategy

The Knowsley Council Plan

Knowsley Council’s Extra Care Nominations Policy

Knowsley Council Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy Statement

Knowsley Domestic Abuse Strategy 2022-2025

Knowsley Knowledge: Joint Strategic Needs Assessments

Knowsley Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy

Knowsley Partnership Community Safety Plan

Knowsley Domestic Abuse Strategy

Knowsley Preventing Homelessness Strategy

Knowsley Older People’s Strategy

Knowsley Dementia Friendly Strategy

Knowsley Safeguarding Adults Workforce Development Strategy


See Legislation, Resources section

Statutory, National and Professional Guidance

Accessible Information Standard

Best Interests

Care and Support Statutory Guidance

Data Protection Legislation and Guidance

Defining Mental Disorder

Disclosure and Barring

Emerging Concerns Protocol

End of Life Care

Equality, Diversity and Human Rights

Hospital Discharge Service 

Ill Treatment and Wilful (Deliberate) Neglect

Independent Mental Capacity Advocate Service

Interface between the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the Mental Health Act 1983 (amended 2007)

Making Advance Decisions

Making Safeguarding Personal

Modern Slavery

Mental Capacity Act and Code of Practice

Mental Capacity Act Deprivation of Liberty 

Mental Health Act 1983

Mental Health Act 1983 Code of Practice

NHS Continuing Healthcare

No Recourse to Public Funds

Outcomes in Adult Social Care


Providing Culturally Appropriate Practice

Professional Capabilities Framework for Social Work

Section 117 Aftercare

Social Work England
