
See Legislation, Resources section

Statutory, National and Professional Guidance

Accessible Information Standard

Best Interests

Care and Support Statutory Guidance

Data Protection Legislation and Guidance

Defining Mental Disorder

Disclosure and Barring

Emerging Concerns Protocol

End of Life Care

Equality, Diversity and Human Rights

Hospital Discharge Service 

Ill Treatment and Wilful (Deliberate) Neglect

Independent Mental Capacity Advocate Service

Interface between the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the Mental Health Act 1983 (amended 2007)

Making Advance Decisions

Making Safeguarding Personal

Modern Slavery

Mental Capacity Act and Code of Practice

Mental Capacity Act Deprivation of Liberty 

Mental Health Act 1983

Mental Health Act 1983 Code of Practice

NHS Continuing Healthcare

No Recourse to Public Funds

Outcomes in Adult Social Care


Providing Culturally Appropriate Practice

Professional Capabilities Framework for Social Work

Section 117 Aftercare

Social Work England


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